Barcotech - Zebra DS3678
Barcotech - Zebra Technologies Logo

1D Ultra-Rugged Scanner Desktop Printer



TYPE: Wireless

OPTIONAL: Extended Range

Download Specification Sheet

FAQ: Do you have rugged/Industrial Scanners?

Answer: Yes Rugged series of Scanners are usually for Industrial use

FAQ: Do you offer Handheld for Health Care?

Answer: Yes, Some of the models have HC variant.

As a member of the Zebra 3600 Ultra-Rugged Series of scanners, the practically indestructible 1D LI3678 cordless scanner is ready for the world’s toughest environments — the warehouse and manufacturing floor. Loaded with features that deliver truly unstoppable performance, the LI3678 redefines scanner reliability and management simplicity.

FAQ: Do you have rugged/Industrial Scanners?

Answer: Yes Rugged series of Scanners are usually for Industrial use

FAQ: Do you offer Handheld for Health Care?

Answer: Yes, Some of the models have HC variant.

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