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Vehicle-Mounted Computer

OPERATING SYSTEM: Upgradeable to Android 14




COMMUNICATION: Type-C USB, USB 2.0 Host Port, RS-232 COM, Optional USB-Ethernet Adapter, WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/k/r, WPAN Bluetooth 5.0, BLE

Download Specification Sheet

FAQ: Can I use a Wearable scanner in Warehouse?

Answer: Yes, it is intended to be used in a Warehouse facility environment

FAQ: Do you have Healthcare unit?

Answer: Yes

the VC8300 can go everywhere your vehicle operators need to go—inside the warehouse, out in the yard, on the loading dock and even in the freezer. Run your existing ‘green screen’ apps right out of the box—no ramp-up time required. Re-use all of your existing accessories1, minimizing the cost to upgrade to the latest technology. Replacement couldn’t be easier—just drop it in place and you’re ready to go. With Mobility DNA, only from Zebra, you get powerful features that transform Android into an easy-to-manage robust enterprise-class OS, complete with unique tools that not only boost workforce productivity, but also simplify deployment and application development.

FAQ: Can I use a Wearable scanner in Warehouse?

Answer: Yes, it is intended to be used in a Warehouse facility environment

FAQ: Do you have Healthcare unit?

Answer: Yes

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