Honeywell CT45
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Dolphin CT45 XP

Mobile Computer

Each Android version planned from Android 11 to Android 14 and planned support for Android 15, pending feasibility.

PROCESSOR: Qualcomm Snapdragon 4290 octa-core (2.0 GHz)



SCAN TECHNOLOGY: Honeywell’s innovative FlexRange™ XLR scan image

SCAN RANGE: A few centimeters (inches) up to 24 meters (80 ft)

COMMUNICATION: WiFi, Bluetooth and Sim and LTE

Download Specification Sheet

Question: Does the mobile computer come with software?

Answer: Each mobile computer comes with an Android operating system and a range of utility and software applications.

Question: Do you have Mobile Computer with RFID?

Answer: Indeed, we offer mobile and integrated UHF RFID handhelds that are suitable for use in both industrial and semi-industrial settings.

CT45 mobile computers, built on the Mobility Edge platform, are rugged, all-purpose productivity tools ensuring ultra-reliable performance, data connectivity and communications for front-line mobile workers in retail, logistics and fieldwork.

Question: What is the difference of a Mobile computer and a smartphone?

Answer: A Mobile Computer is an Enterprise grade hardware with an Integrated Scanner and can work in tough environments while a smartphone is commercial grade and usually used in Texting and Calling Only

Question: What is the RAM and ROM of a mobile computer?

Answer: ROM and RAM depends on Configuration usually 3GB/32GB highest is 8GB/128GB

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