FAQ: What is the connectivity of the barcode printer to the host?
Answer: Serial, Ethernet, and USB connections are common in industrial printers, whereas desktop printers usually only have USB, though some have other options.
FAQ: Can a barcode printer use a Colored Ribbon?
Answer: Majority of these printers use a black ribbon for the most cost-effective labels
Reduce space consumption with the IHR810 printer, ideal for environments with space constraints. This sleek & reliable printer is one of the most compact, with the added option to be wall-mounted. IHR810 integrates seamlessley with a wide variety of platforms – IOS, Android™, Windows & Mac operating systems thrrough USB, Ethernet
FAQ: What is the connectivity of the barcode printer to the host?
Answer: Serial, Ethernet, and USB connections are common in industrial printers, whereas desktop printers usually only have USB, though some have other options.
FAQ: Can a barcode printer use a Colored Ribbon?
Answer: Majority of these printers use a black ribbon for the most cost-effective labels