Barcotech - Honeywell Solaris 7980g
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Solaris 7980g

Upgradable Hands-Free Barcodes Scanner



TYPE: In-Counter

Download Specification Sheet

FAQ: How do barcode scanners store data?

Answer: The decoder interprets that signal, validates the barcode using the check digit, and converts it into text. This converted text is delivered by the scanner to a computer.

FAQ: Do scanners require any special software?

Answer: No, a scanner can be used with any software.

With its compact, modern design and powerful imaging capabilities, the 7980g scanner fits easily into existing enclosures used in retail checkout environments, including convenience, drug, specialty, liquor, and grocery stores.

The Solaris 7980g features Honeywell’s Adaptus™ 6.0 area-imaging technology. You’ll get exceptional scanning performance on 1D and 2D barcodes and even be able to read smartphone screens, digital wallets and printed identification cards.

Omni-directional scanning capability – along with an extended depth of field and advanced decoding software – equips your cashiers to scan virtually all barcodes on the first pass with minimal concern for orientation or barcode print quality.

FAQ: How do barcode scanners store data?

Answer: The decoder interprets that signal, validates the barcode using the check digit, and converts it into text. This converted text is delivered by the scanner to a computer.

FAQ: Do scanners require any special software?

Answer: No, a scanner can be used with any software.

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